After 3

Recreational Program for Kids

What makes A3 so special?

Adventure! Each day of the week has a different theme. Consider what the imagination can do with themes like 'How to be a Person', Junior Journalists, STEM or Gardening. 

Space! Kids take over the North Room of the Manor Park Community Centre for their own jazzy hangout, complete with indoor garden, kid-sized furniture and a cupboard full of activities. Outisde, they enjoy acres of green space, play structures, gardens, and skating rinks.

Small groups! An easy place to make best friends in small groups of grade 1-4 children.

Flexibility! Familiies can register their children for a whole month at a time, or choose the activities they like best using the drop-in option.

After Three in Manor Park (A3) takes place on school days in the Manor Park Community Centre. Families attending Manor Park Public School -- or any other neighbourhood school -- are welcome to join in. Participation is limited to students in grades 1-4. Registration is made in advance through either a monthly prepayment or 10-visit MultiPass or 5-visit MultiPass.

We're sorry, but city of Ottawa fee subsidies are not available. Kids attending Manor Park Public School will be picked up by the instructors. Parents are responsible for arranging arrival for kids attending other schools.  

It is easy to register!  Do it here.  Questions?  Need help?

What are we doing this month?

After Three in Manor Park activity schedule for November 2024

The Manor Park Community Council (MPCC)  is committed to giving people with disabilities the same oportunities to access and benefit from our services as others, and to provide services while respecting their dignity and independence. We believe in integration, and are committted to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner b removing and preventing barrierss to accessibility and meeting our accessibility requirements under Ontario's accessibilty laws. The MPCC will provide registrants and employees with written information and other communication in an accessible format, if requested. For our policies or to tell us how we are doing:
Community Centre office: 100 Thornwood Road, Ottawa, ON   613-741-4776 x4
Before- and After-School in Manor Park office: 100 Braemar Street, Ottawa, ON K1K 3C9 613-741-4776 x1
Manor Park Child Care Centre office:  1805 Gaspe Avenue, ON  613-741-4776 x2
Mailing address: 100 Braemar Street, Ottawa, ON  K1K 3C9