Summer Day Camps 2024

Summer Day Camps in Manor Park

Be part of something extraordinary this summer! 

Summer Day Camps in Manor Park are for children aged 6-10 years! (Children aged 4-5 years are welcome at our Licensed Summer Camps!)
In and around the Manor Park Community Centre.
Weekly themes.
Splash pad. Sports fields. Grassy areas. Trees.
Enthusiastic and caring camp leaders.
A summer to remember!

Register now.

What to expect:

Camps begin on July 2, 2025 and continue weekly until August 28, 2025.  Note that camps are closed on public holidays. 
Monday to Friday from 9am-4pm
Families may choose Extended Hours -- 8-9am and/or 4-5pm -- for an additional fee. 

Check out our weekly themes!
July 2-5:                         Nature Explorers
July 7-11:                       Mad Scientists
July 14-18:                    Under the Sea
July 21-25:                    Creative Campers
July 28-August 1:          Myths & Legends
August 5-8:                   Star Athletes
August 11-15:               Camp's Got Talent
August 18-22:               Lost in Space
August 25-28:               Best of the Best

Regardless of weekly theme, campers will enjoy the sports field, multiple climbing structures and swings. Active sports and games will be included along with art, crafts, creative exploration, dramatic play, quiet time and story time. The splash pad and water toys will be available for those who attend already wearing their bathing suit. (TIP: We highly recommend and appreciate you for sending your child(ren) to camp wearing their bathing suits. This will allow for less time changing in and out of bathing suits and - more time in the splash pad!)

All activities will take place outside, unless not possible due to inclement weather. If the MPCC must cancel the camp due to extreme heat, weather or other hazard to health or safety beyond our control, we will do so on that day and without advance notice. A refund will not be provided. In most cases, we strive to move indoors into air conditioned space.

Should the province of Ontario, Ministry of Health or Ottawa Public Health state that summer day camps cannot run due to a health concern, the MPCC will credit your Amilia SmartRec account. Refunds requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis. 

Parents will receive a Summer Day Camps in Manor Park Handbook electronically prior to their child attending camp.  The Handbook outlines all the important things to know and answers the most frequently asked questions from parents about drop-off, pick-up, etc.,Parents will be expected to read and understand the Handbook.

Children will be grouped based on age. Should you wish to have your child grouped with their sibling, please make your request through the camp supervisor. 


Register now.

Let's have the best summer ever!

Litter-Less Lunches at Summer Day Camps in Manor Park:
Help keep our green space green! Litter-less (waste-free) lunches are highly encouraged at Summer Day Camps in Manor Park. Not only is a litter-less lunch great for the environment but also encourages healthy eating and keeps trash and food wrappers from ending up on the ground and in the grass. Whenever possible, it is encouraged to send campers with reusable lunch bags, waterbottles and food containers.

Campers should bring:
Campers should label ALL of their items and keep personal belongings to a minimum. Campers should arrive with 2 healthy, litter-free & nut-free snacks, a reusable water bottle, as well as a healthy lunch. A hat and sunscreen are strongly recommended. Campers should arrive in clothing that is okay to get dirty. Those wishing to play in the splash pad must come wearing a bathing suit. It is recommended to apply sunscreen before arrival whenever possible or provided for the camper to apply themselves. Flip flops and a towel, please.

Campers should NOT bring:
Valuables, electronics or phones, waterguns or food containing nuts or tree nuts.

Does you child have life threatening allergies? If your child has an medication that is required for life threatening allergies or medical concerns (epi-pen, asthma puffer, medication, etc…) please ensure to bring those medications with you on your child’s first day. They will be kept on site while your child is attending camp. You will also be asked to complete the Anaphylactic Emergency Form (with photo) and Child With Medical Needs Form (with photo) prior to your child's arrival.
Anaphylactic Emergency Form
Child With Medical Needs Form

Summer Day Camps in Manor Park and Licensed Summer Camps? What’s the Difference?

Q:  How do I choose between Summer Day Camps and Licensed Summer Camps?
A:  The answer is easy – there is no poor choice!  Both programs are run by the Manor Park Community Council (MPCC) a trusted provider of recreation, licensed childcare and community events for over 35 years! Both programs take place a stone’s throw from one another! The big difference is the age of your child. Summer Day Camps in Manor Park are for children 6-10 years. Children 44 months-12 years are welcome at Licensed Summer Camps.

Q:  Where does each program take place?
A:  Summer is a time to enjoy the outdoors as much as possible, especially when you have sports fields, baseball diamonds, play structures, tennis courts, splash pads – along with shady nooks and grassy areas to use. Both programs share the amenities surrounding the Manor Park Community Centre and Manor Park Public School.

The home base for Summer Day Camps in Manor Park is the Manor Park Community Centre (100 Thornwood Road). Licensed Summer Camp is based inside the Manor Park Public School (100 Braemar Street).

Q: Do the programs cover the whole summer?
A:  Pretty much!  Registrations are made on a full-time, weekly basis, where spaces remain available.

Q:  Same place, same time.  So, why 2 programs?
A:  Summer Day Camps in Manor Park is a recreational program while Licensed Summer Camp is (as the name suggests) a childcare program extension of our before- and after-school license.

While each program is terrific, there are subtle differences outlined below.

Q:  OK, so tell me about the summer staff.
A:  Both programs run with teams of enthusiastic staff ready to guide a memorable summer experience for each child.  Licensed Summer Camp is lead by Early Childhood Educators and support staff. Summer Day Camps in Manor Park teams include Camp Counselors and Jr. Leader volunteers.

MPCC’s management team, supervisors of the programs, have together over 20 years of camp experience!

Q:  Tell me a little about what happens at camp.
A:  Summer camps – licensed or recreational – are based on a week of full-day participation. Register for one week, two, or more!  Each camp includes programming in: arts, games, and sports; Individual and group time; active and quiet play as well as indoor and outdoor time.

Camps can enjoy weekly visits from special guests, celebrated local heroes and community favourites.

Q:  I’m really interested!  What are the times?
A:  Summer Day Camps in Manor Park are from 9am-4pm daily with an optional (additional cost) of extended hours from 8-9am and/or 4-5pm.  Licensed Summer Care runs daily from 8am-4:30pm.

Q:  Times are a bit tough for our family. Is there any financial support?
A:  Yes!  Licensed Summer Camp accepts fee subsidy families approved by the City of Ottawa.  (Great way to easily move your school year subsidy dollars to the summer!) Families needing a bit of financial support for Summer Day Camps in Manor Park may apply to the MPCC’s  ‘The Opportunity Fund’.  (It’s easy!)

Q:  OK! I’m ready to confirm our summer plans.  How?
A:   Visit, click on the program of your choice and follow the instructions.

Register now

Want to be a volunteer as a Junior Leader this summer? 

Click HERE!

The Manor Park Community Council (MPCC)  is committed to giving people with disabilities the same oportunities to access and benefit from our services as others, and to provide services while respecting their dignity and independence. We believe in integration, and are committted to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner b removing and preventing barrierss to accessibility and meeting our accessibility requirements under Ontario's accessibilty laws. The MPCC will provide registrants and employees with written information and other communication in an accessible format, if requested. For our policies or to tell us how we are doing:
Community Centre office: 100 Thornwood Road, Ottawa, ON   613-741-4776 x4
Before- and After-School in Manor Park office: 100 Braemar Street, Ottawa, ON K1K 3C9 613-741-4776 x1
Manor Park Child Care Centre office:  1805 Gaspe Avenue, ON  613-741-4776 x2
Mailing address: 100 Braemar Street, Ottawa, ON  K1K 3C9