
Before- and After-School in Manor Park (January-June, September-December)
Licensed summer camp (July-August)

Before- and After-School in Manor Park

'Before- and After-School in Manor Park' is a licensed program. Licenced by the Ministry of Education.  The program's Licensing Inspection Summary is posted outside the MPCC office. The Licensing Checklist and the Summary of Licensing Requirements and Recommendations are available for parents upon request.

Program Details

On each school day, some 150 children join 'Before- and After-School in Manor Park', a licensed child care program, for socializing and games. Growing each year under the leadership of the program Supervisors and Early Childhood Educators – this program shines! We pride ourselves on serving our families with flexible registration options, low fees, quality programming, and licensing compliance. The Manor Park Community Council (MPCC) offers this before- and after-school licensed child care program under agreement with the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB).

'Before- and After-School in Manor Park’ serves children in JK through grade 6. Programming takes place in the Manor Park Public School. Before-school programming hours are 7:15-8:30am, after-school programming hours are 3:00-6:00pm, all on school days of the OCDSB calendar. Parents have the option of registering for mornings, afternoons – or both! Fees are prepaid to the MPCC on a monthly basis.

This licensed child care program is part of the Canada Wide Early Learning & Child Care (CWELCC) initiative of the federal and provincial governments to reduce daycare fees for eligible children. 

The Manor Park Community Council acknowledges the support of the City of Ottawa and Minister of Education for 'General Operating Funding' and 'Municipal Health and Safety Funding'.

Registration for the Before- and After-School Program

If you are interested in our program, please add your child's name to Ottawa's Child Care Registry and Waitlist (CCRAW) and select MANOR PARK BEFORE- AND AFTER-SCHOOL as your top priority.  Need assistance? The HELP tab on the CCRAW site has contact information and a website guide for parents.

When a space becomes available, you will be contacted by the Manor Park Community Council (MPCC) and will be required to:

  1. Read the Parent Handbook 

  2. Complete the Registration form for Kinders (5 and under) OR Registration form for School age (6+), Medical Form, Anaphylaxis Form,  Pre-Authorized Debit Form ,
    and pay the $75 non refundable registration fee.

  3. Email your completed forms to: 

A space is secured with a completed registration form, payment (Pre-Authorized Debit and registration fee) and recipt of a confirmation email from MPCC staff.

Payment methods

Print and complete the Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement to have payments automatically withdrawn from your account on a monthly basis.  We also accept subsidies. Safe, easy, and reliable, Pre-Authorized Debits (PAD) are a payment alternative to post-dated cheques or cash. This option is available to any family with a bank account and email address. 

Here is what you need to know:

Frequenty Asked Questions (FAQ)
Pre-Authorized Debits (PAD) Agreement form (to print, complete, and sign)
Sample Cancellation form
Understanding the numbers on the bottom of your cheque

Questions about PAD payments may be directed to us, or to your own bank.

PA Day Programs

The MPCC offers quality programming – that means fun – during PA Days!  

We follow the PA Days identified in the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) calendar. Programming is operated by our licensed before- and after-school program and takes place in the Manor Park Public School.

Spaces are limited. JK to grade 6.

Note: parents of children not currently registered in 'Before- and After-School in Manor Park' must review the Parent Handbook.before attending and fill out a registration form.

Fee Subsidies

Fee subsidies through the City of Ottawa may be available to qualifying families.

What families need to know about fee subsidies

Rights & Responsibilities — Child Care Subsidy Program through the city of Ottawa

Document Checklist for Child Care Subsidy Application

Apply for fee subsidy through the 'City of Ottawa Child Care Registry and Waitlist'

What you need to know about Child Care Fee Subsidy for Summer Care and how to maintain your subsidy for the following school year

FAQ: Before- and After-School in Manor Park

Q:  Is this a licensed child care program?
A:  Yes!  We are licensed under the 'Child Care and Early Years Act' by the Ministry of Education. The MPCC is a 3rd party provider to the Ottawa Carleton-District School Board. The MPCC is a not-for-profit organization serving the community for over 35 years.

Q:  Does my child have to attend Manor Park Public School in order to register?
A:  We accept children from a variety of schools to this community-based program. Please note that we follow the OCDSB calendar. Travel arrangements both to and from the program are the responsibility of the parents/guardians.

Q:  What ages do you accept?
A:  Before- and after-school programming is available for children in JK through grade 6. Licensed Summer Child Care accepts children 44 months-12 years of age.

Q:  Must my child attend full-time?
A:  Registration in the after-school portion offers both full-time and part-time options (either 5 days per week, 3 days per week or 2 days per week) available for children in grades 1-6. Parents must select their days of the week at time of registration and days must be consistent each week.  Registration in before-school programming is restricted to full-time only (5 mornings per week).   
Registration for Kinders is restricted to both morning and aftercare, 5 days a week.  

Q:  Do you offer fee subsidies?
A:  Qualified families may receive fee subsidies for 'Before- and After-School in Manor Park' through the City of Ottawa's 'Child Care Registry and Waitlist'. Please note: you must select MANOR PARK BEFORE- AND AFTER-SCHOOL to apply for our program. Get more info here.

Q:  Is there fee subsidized programming in the summer?
A:  Yes!  We offer full time care in the months of July and August.
Q:  What about PA Days?
A:  'Before- and After-School in Manor Park' is offered only on school days according to the OCDSB calendar. However, parents are offered optional child care for non-school days at an additional cost.These optional days operate only when there is sufficient interest from our families. (Check out the fun at our PA Day programs!)

Q:  How do I pay fees?
A:  Automatic monthly bank withdrawals via Pre-Authorized Debits (PAD) are available as a safe, easy and reliable alternate payment option to post-dated cheques or cash. Information found here. Families selecting cheque payment, must provide post-dated cheques for the term of their registration before their registration is accepted.

Q:  What should my child bring to the before- and after-school program?
A:  Each child should bring a healthy snack - nut and peanut free, please! -- plus indoor shoes, weather appropriate clothing for playing outside, and smiles.

Licensed Summer Camp

July 2-August 22, 2025

We have an exciting summer planned for our friends ages 44 months-12 years old!

in and around the Manor Park Public School
Great outdoor and indoor spaces
Splash pad
Weekly themes
Experienced educators
Part of Canada Wide Early Learning & Child Care (CWELCC)
City of Ottawa fee subsidies accepted

Families select the week(s) they want their child to attend. Spaces are limited because this is a licensed program of the Manor Park Community Council (MPCC). 

Registration for licensed summer camp -- is easy!

Please note: this it not 'Summer Day Camps in Manor Park". 

1. First click here to select  and then pay for your weeks of your choice.* (You may choose just one week or as many weeks as you like!)
2. Next, email to request a 'Registration Form', 'Medical Form' and 'Anaphylaxis Form'. 
3. Complete the Registraton Form, and Medical / Anaphylaxis Form if applicable, and email them to
4. Watch your email for a confirmation from MPCC that your forms have been received and your registration is complete.

*If you are receiving fee subsidy from the City of Ottawa, please contact before completing step 1 to receive a rebate code for payment.

Get in touch:

Phone:  613-558-4776

Manor Park Community Council (MPCC)
Before- And After-School in Manor Park

The Manor Park Community Council (MPCC)  is committed to giving people with disabilities the same oportunities to access and benefit from our services as others, and to provide services while respecting their dignity and independence. We believe in integration, and are committted to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner b removing and preventing barrierss to accessibility and meeting our accessibility requirements under Ontario's accessibilty laws. The MPCC will provide registrants and employees with written information and other communication in an accessible format, if requested. For our policies or to tell us how we are doing:
Community Centre office: 100 Thornwood Road, Ottawa, ON   613-741-4776 x4
Before- and After-School in Manor Park office: 100 Braemar Street, Ottawa, ON K1K 3C9 613-741-4776 x1
Manor Park Child Care Centre office:  1805 Gaspe Avenue, ON  613-741-4776 x2
Mailing address: 100 Braemar Street, Ottawa, ON  K1K 3C9